Safe Mall

  • Global Shopping: Safe Mall is a decentralized e-commerce platform allowing users to purchase goods and services from around the world using cryptocurrency.

  • Cryptocurrency Payments: Simple, fast, and secure, without borders or reliance on traditional financial institutions.

  • Transparent and Trustworthy: All transactions are stored on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and eliminating fraud risks.

  • NFT Auctions: Safe Mall integrates NFT auction features, enabling users to own unique digital artworks and assets.

  • Connection to Major E-commerce Platforms: Safe Mall collaborates with major e-commerce platforms like Amazon and eBay, expanding product and service choices for users.

  • Multi-National Utility Payments: Safe Mall allows users to conveniently pay utility bills such as electricity, water, and internet using cryptocurrency.

  • Review and Rating System: Safe Mall utilizes blockchain technology to build a transparent and reliable review and rating system, assisting users in making informed purchasing decisions.

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